
  • CI/CD pipelines for the consumer and provider as per the Setup CI/CD page
  • A working local development set up as per the Setup local development page.
  • Both consumer and provider builds in Travis CI should both be passing on master.
  • If you have access to a second screen, we recommend that you use it for this workshop, as there is a lot of window switching involved.
  • Suggested window configuration:
    • In Travis CI:
      • One tab for the example-consumer build
      • One tab for the example-provider build
    • In Pactflow
      • A tab for the example pact dashboard
    • In your editor of choice:
      • One window for the example-consumer
      • One window for the example-provider
    • In your terminal of choice:
      • One shell for the example-consumer
      • One shell for the example-provider
    • Close everything else that you can! It can get confusing switching backwards and forwards between all the windows in the workshop.
  • Have a look at the configuration in the consumer and provider projects that deals with the tags. Read more below.

Tag configuration

Tags are used to wire up the consumer project to the provider project and make sure we are verifying the right pacts.

In the Makefile file in the consumer project, we tag the consumer version with the name of the branch.

@"${PACT_CLI}" publish ${PWD}/pacts --consumer-app-version ${TRAVIS_COMMIT} --tag ${TRAVIS_BRANCH}

In the src/products/product.pact.test.js file in the provider project, we have configured the verification task to fetch the pacts that belong to the latest consumer versions with master and prod tags.

const baseOpts = {
providerVersionTag: process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH
const fetchPactsDynamicallyOpts = {
provider: "pactflow-example-provider",
consumerVersionSelectors: [{ tag: 'master', latest: true }, { tag: 'prod', latest: true } ],